So finally in May of 2008 I bought a JDM Honda Integra Type R (DC5) here in Japan after years of procrastinating on what type of car I wanted, whether or not I was going to stay in Japan long enough to actually be able to import my car back to Australia and of course the cost of owning a car in Japan.

After weeks of searching through a japanese online car search website ( I finally made a decision on the make and model of the car and narrowed down my search to just a few dealers from which I was hoping for a test-drive.
I enlisted the help of my good japanese friend Motchi whom I'd met in Perth (Australia) prior to 2005 and together we went out there and hunted down exactly what I was looking for.
We were able to negotiate the price dealer had set and reduced it by a good 5%. All in all the car ended up being about 30% cheaper as the same make/model (not JDM spec of course!) sold in Australia (AUD/JPY was at 120 at that time). I was VERY happy !
What was needed then was me getting a decent parking spot in my apartment building at an unfortunately very hefty cost of 42,000yen a month plus car insurance (which unfortunately in Japan rated my car's model as high risk category) at a cost of 120,000yen a year.
The car was a stock JDM type R with no modifications whatsoever, very low mileage of 22,000km and a shaken (compulsory check every year) not due until May 2009.
For those who can read japanese, here is a
link to Honda Integra Type R (DC5)'s JDM spec. If you browse around you can find out other details also!